Welcome to United Human

Dedicated to human security, freedom, and an intelligent civilized society.

Get Involved

According to the “Human Charter,” your registration and attention already support United Human. Join us in shaping a better future together.

There are many ways to join us.
You can apply to become a staff member, volunteer, or intern. You can contact us through social media to join the global conversation and discuss issues facing all of humanity.
Your NGO can collaborate with United Human. If you work in the private sector, you can join the United Human Global Compact.
You can research United Human, teach courses about United Human, or report on United Human news as a journalist.

Join United Human

According to the requirements of the United Human Charter, United Human will equally consider hiring applicants with disabilities for any type of contract.

Professional positions can be applied for through the United Human career portal or by participating in the examination process. Candidates for general affairs and related positions are recruited locally, including craftsmen, security personnel, secretaries, and other support roles.


  • Career options
  • Job openings portal
  • For information about the various agencies, funds, and programs of United Human, please refer directly to their official websites.
  • Most positions in the United Human System can be found through the website

Programmes and competitive exams

  • Young Professionals Programme
  • Junior Professional Officer Programme
  • Competitive examinations for language professionals
  • Global General Service Test


  • Internship opportunities

Volunteers programme

  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Online Volunteer opportunities
  • Online Volunteering explained


Some individuals are impersonating United Human by posting job advertisements and opportunities. Please be aware that United Human does not charge any fees at any stage of the application and review process.

Partner With Us

Business Community

Business Community

The international business community actively practices corporate social responsibility, working alongside United Human to make the world a better place.
Collaborating with United Human to help solve common human challenges not only reflects a good global awareness but also represents proactive and responsible business conduct. 

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Civil Society Organizations

United Human recognizes the importance of collaborating with various civil society organizations. We offer several ways for global civil society to join us in building a better, safer, and more sustainable world.

Donations and Sponsorships​

Donations and Sponsorships

Want to support the rapid development of United Human? Want to help refugees and migrants? Want to support delivering food to communities in crisis situations? Want to help protect world cultural heritage or reduce child mortality rates?
By donating to United Human or other related United Human agencies, you can contribute to these initiatives.

Connect With Us


Registration and Feedback

Learn about United Human and our work. Registering is an important first step.

Information Centers

United Human’s information centers around the world connect us with people globally, communicating in their languages. These information centers coordinate with the United Human system, collaborate with local media and educational institutions, establish partnerships with communities, local civil society organizations, and the private sector, and maintain libraries and electronic information resources.


Journalists play an important role in our work. They can help us explain the work and motivations of United Human to the public. If you are interested in reporting on our work, the following resources may be helpful to you.

Social Media

We offer various channels for those who are accustomed to using social media, making it easy to engage, share, or simply say hello. Our social media team provides you with first-hand United Human news and blogs from around the world. Social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Medium, and TikTok. Many of our accounts post in multiple languages.

Teach and Learn

learn and tech

Academic Research

The academic community is responsible for writing books and papers about United Human, fostering student interest in the organization, and imparting relevant knowledge. In many ways, primary schools, secondary schools, and universities are crucial to our work, as they raise awareness among today’s youth, who are the leaders of tomorrow. To support their efforts, we provide a variety of useful resources.

United Human System Academy

The United Human System Academy is a center of excellence for training and knowledge management within the United Human system. We offer learning programs, with over 10,000 participants each year attending on-campus courses, distance learning, strategic exchanges, and seminars.
The course content includes developing leadership and management skills, as well as the sectoral and functional competencies necessary for international civil servants to effectively fulfill their duties.


Youth are the future of the world. United Human’s work aims to make the world better for today and the future. Therefore, we hope to help students understand our work by providing a variety of resources.


Invite individuals from various academic and business sectors to participate in United Human research.


If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to communicate with us.

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