مرحباً بكم في البشر المتحدون

Dedicated to human security, freedom, and an intelligent civilized society.


We, the people of the world, with a profound understanding and firm belief in the united human community, are determined to ensure the basic rights, dignity, and freedom of all humanity through this United Human Charter, promoting human peace, justice, and prosperity. We believe that through human cooperation and solidarity, we can overcome current and future challenges and build a more just, sustainable, and inclusive new world—an intelligent civilization society.

Chapter I: Purposes and Principles

Article 1: Purposes

To maintain human peace and security:

1.1 Prevent conflicts and violence, resolving disputes through peaceful means;

1.2 Promote trust and cooperation among humans, reducing the likelihood of armed conflicts;

1.3 Establish and strengthen mechanisms for human cooperation, preventing and responding to wars, viruses, natural disasters, uncontrolled artificial intelligence, and potential threats to humanity.

To promote human rights:

2.1 Ensure the basic rights and freedoms of every individual regardless of race, gender, language, religion, political or other status;

2.2 Promote legal and policy reforms to eliminate all forms of discrimination and inequality;

2.3 Ensure that everyone enjoys the rights to life, liberty, security, dignity, and happiness.

To advance sustainable human development:

3.1 Address economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian issues, achieving equitable and sustainable development;

3.2 Promote environmental protection and sustainable use of resources, ensuring the well-being of future generations;

3.3 Promote technological progress and innovation to enhance human well-being and quality of life.

To build equitable global governance:

4.1 Establish a fair, inclusive, and resilient global governance system to protect the common interests of humanity;

4.2 Promote cooperation and coordination among community organizations;

4.3 Enhance global human society’s participation, transparency, and accountability.

Article 2: Principles

Human Sovereignty and Equality:

1.1 All individuals enjoy equal dignity and rights;

1.2 Humans should cooperate on an equal basis, not interfering with the fundamental freedoms of individuals;

1.3 Respect the diversity of nationalities, cultures, and beliefs, promoting inclusiveness and mutual understanding.

Peaceful Settlement of Disputes:

2.1 Resolve disputes among humans through peaceful means such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and judicial procedures;

2.2 Humans should support and promote efforts for peaceful dispute resolution, providing necessary resources and support.

Human Cooperation:

3.1 Promote human cooperation in areas such as environmental protection, public health, and economic equity;

3.2 Establish and strengthen mechanisms for human cooperation to address global issues and challenges;

3.3 Encourage humans to share experiences and best practices, promoting common development and progress.

Respect for Common Human Interests:

4.1 Protect and promote the common interests of all humanity, transcending narrow national and community interests;

4.2 Ensure the fair and sustainable use of global public goods such as basic supplies, basic income, the atmosphere, oceans, and biodiversity;

4.3 Promote global public health, safety, and well-being, serving the long-term interests of all humanity.

Chapter II: Membership

Article 3: Membership

Membership Eligibility:

1.1 The members of this Charter include all individuals, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations dedicated to the purposes and principles of this Charter;

1.2 Members must commit to adhering to all the provisions of this Charter and striving to achieve common goals and purposes;

1.3 Any entity or individual willing to abide by this Charter can apply for membership.

Membership Admission:

2.1 Applicants should submit their registration application on the United Human website, detailing their commitment and plans;

2.2 The Secretariat may conduct a preliminary review of the applications to ensure they align with the purposes and principles of this Charter.

Membership Obligations:

3.1 Members must comply with all the provisions of this Charter, actively participating in and supporting its implementation;

3.2 Members should contribute necessary resources and support to achieve the goals of this Charter according to their capabilities.

Article 4: Membership Rights

Participation Rights:

1.1 Members have the right to participate in the World Assembly or other major institutions’ activities and decision-making processes;

1.2 Members have the right to make suggestions, opinions, and proposals, participating in policy and strategy formulation and discussions;

1.3 Members have the right to access necessary information to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities under this Charter.

Protection Rights:

2.1 Members have the right to request necessary assistance and support from human society;

2.2 Members have the right to resolve disputes through legal and peaceful means and receive fair and equitable treatment;

2.3 Members have the right to receive emergency assistance and support from human society during natural disasters, wars, or other major crises.

Development Rights:

3.1 Members have the right to equal participation and benefits in economic, technological, cultural, and other fields;

3.2 Members have the right to promote the economic and social development of their communities through human cooperation and support;

3.3 Members have the right to share and utilize public human goods and resources, achieving common prosperity and sustainable development.

Chapter III: Institutional Arrangements

Article 5: Human Assembly


1.1 The Human Assembly, composed of all members, is the highest decision-making and advisory body of the United Human Charter;

1.2 Every member has equal representation and voting rights in the Human Assembly;

1.3 The Human Assembly shall hold at least one regular session each year and special sessions as necessary.


2.1 Review and adopt human policies and strategies, guiding and supervising the work of various institutions;

2.2 Formulate and amend the provisions of this Charter to ensure its relevance;

2.3 Promote cooperation and exchange among members, addressing common concerns and challenges;

2.4 Evaluate and monitor the implementation of this Charter by various communities, proposing improvements and measures.

Article 6: Security Council


1.1 The Security Council comprises major members responsible for maintaining human peace and security;

1.2 The Security Council should fairly represent global communities and regions, ensuring diversity and inclusiveness;

1.3 Security Council members should rotate regularly to maintain representativeness and flexibility.


2.1 Assess and respond to security threats to humanity, formulating and implementing measures to maintain peace and security;

2.2 Resist aggression and violence as necessary to protect human security;

2.3 Promote and support efforts for peaceful dispute resolution, providing mediation and arbitration services;

2.4 Monitor and evaluate human security situations, issuing security alerts and recommendations, guiding human society in responding to crises.

Article 7: Economic Council


1.1 The Economic Council, composed of representatives from various communities, coordinates human economic, industrial, and commercial policies;

1.2 The Council should fairly represent the interests and needs of various communities and regions, ensuring equality and inclusiveness;

1.3 Council members should rotate regularly to maintain representativeness and flexibility.


2.1 Formulate and implement policies and projects promoting sustainable human development, advancing equitable and inclusive development;

2.2 Evaluate and monitor human economic and social conditions, publishing reports and recommendations to guide human society’s actions;

2.3 Promote human cooperation and exchange, advancing technological progress, innovation, and cultural prosperity;

2.4 Support and coordinate members’ efforts in implementing this Charter, providing technical and financial assistance.

Article 8: Social Council


1.1 The Social Council, composed of representatives from various communities, coordinates human social and environmental policies;

1.2 The Council should fairly represent the interests and needs of various communities and regions, ensuring equality and inclusiveness;

1.3 Council members should rotate regularly to maintain representativeness and flexibility.


2.1 Formulate and implement policies and projects promoting sustainable human development, advancing equitable and inclusive development;

2.2 Evaluate and monitor human social and environmental conditions, publishing reports and recommendations to guide human society’s actions;

2.3 Promote human cooperation and exchange, advancing technological progress, innovation, and cultural prosperity;

2.4 Support and coordinate members’ efforts in implementing this Charter, providing technical and financial assistance.

Article 9: Secretariat


1.1 The Secretariat, composed of the Secretary-General and necessary administrative personnel, handles the daily administrative affairs of the Charter;

1.2 The Secretary-General is elected by the Human Assembly for a term of five years, renewable once;

1.3 The Secretariat should establish different functional departments to coordinate and support the work of various institutions.


2.1 Organize and coordinate the activities of the Human Assembly and other major institutions to ensure their effective operation;

2.2 Manage and allocate the financial and human resources of the Charter, ensuring reasonable and transparent use;

2.3 Collect and analyze global information, providing decision support and policy advice;

2.4 Promote information exchange and cooperation among members, enhancing global governance transparency and accountability.

Chapter IV: Human Peace and Security

Article 10: Collective Security

Preventive Measures:

1.1 Members should take preventive measures to avert any threats to human peace and security;

1.2 Members should establish and strengthen early warning mechanisms to timely detect and address potential security risks;

1.3 Human society should provide necessary resources and support to help members enhance their defense capabilities and crisis management.

Response Measures:

2.1 Members should take collective measures to counter terrorism and environmental disasters;

2.2 The Security Council should formulate and implement response measures based on specific situations to ensure peace and security;

2.3 Members should strengthen cooperation to enhance collective response capabilities.

Article 11: Peaceful Resolution of Disputes

Peaceful Means:

1.1 Members should prioritize resolving disputes through peaceful means such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and judicial procedures;

1.2 Members should actively participate in the mediation and arbitration services provided by human society, seeking just and lasting solutions;

1.3 United Human should provide legal consultation and arbitration services during dispute resolution to ensure justice and authority.

Human Arbitration:

2.1 When disputes cannot be resolved through peaceful means, members should submit them to the Security Council for adjudication;

2.2 The Security Council should independently and impartially hear cases and make legally binding judgments.

Article 12: Peacebuilding


1.1 Members should actively participate in peacebuilding after conflicts, promoting social stability and economic recovery;

1.2 Human society should provide necessary resources and support to help post-conflict communities restore peace and development;

1.3 Members should share experiences and best practices in peacebuilding to advance the human peacebuilding cause.

Article 13: Conflict Prevention

Early Warning:

1.1 Members should establish and strengthen early warning mechanisms to timely detect and prevent potential conflict risks;

1.2 Human communities should provide technical and resource support to help members enhance their early warning and prevention capabilities;

1.3 Members should share intelligence and information, strengthening cooperation to jointly address conflict risks.

Conflict Prevention:

2.1 Members should take preventive measures to avoid conflict escalation and spread, maintaining regional and human peace;

2.2 Human communities should provide mediation and arbitration services to help members resolve disputes peacefully;

2.3 Members should strengthen cooperation to promote the establishment and improvement of regional and human security mechanisms, enhancing conflict prevention capabilities.

Chapter V: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Article 14: Fundamental Human Rights

Right to Life and Liberty:

1.1 Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security, not to be arbitrarily deprived;

1.2 Members should ensure the basic rights and freedoms of every individual, preventing any form of infringement and deprivation;

1.3 Human society should supervise and support members in fulfilling their human rights obligations, promoting the development of human rights causes.

Freedom of Expression and Religion:

2.1 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression and belief, without persecution and discrimination;

2.2 Members should ensure the freedom of expression and religion of every individual, preventing any form of suppression and persecution;

2.3 Human society should promote human standards and legal frameworks for freedom of expression and religion, ensuring their universal applicability.

Article 15: Social Rights

Standard of Living:

1.1 Everyone has the right to a basic standard of living, including food, housing, healthcare, and education;

1.2 Members should formulate and implement policies to ensure basic social security and welfare for all;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving social security levels, eliminating poverty and inequality.

Right to Work and Rest:

2.1 Everyone has the right to fair working conditions and rest time;

2.2 Members should strive to ensure the employment rights of every individual, providing a safe and fair working environment;

2.3 Human society should promote human unified labor standards and legal frameworks, ensuring the rights and interests of all workers are protected.

Article 16: Rights of Special Groups

Women and Children:

1.1 Women and children should enjoy special protection and support, preventing any form of discrimination and violence;

1.2 Members should formulate and implement policies to ensure the rights and well-being of women and children, promoting gender equality and child development;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving the rights and welfare of women and children.

Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly:

2.1 Persons with disabilities and the elderly should enjoy equal rights and opportunities without discrimination and exclusion;

2.2 Members should formulate and implement policies to ensure the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities and the elderly, providing necessary support and services;

2.3 Human society should promote human standards and legal frameworks for the rights of persons with disabilities and the elderly, ensuring their universal applicability.

Minority Groups and Indigenous Peoples:

3.1 Minority groups and indigenous peoples should enjoy equal rights and opportunities, respecting their cultures and traditions;

3.2 Members should formulate and implement policies to ensure the rights and well-being of minority groups and indigenous peoples, promoting their social inclusion and development;

3.3 Human society should promote human standards and legal frameworks for the rights of minority groups and indigenous peoples, ensuring their universal applicability.

Article 17: Cultural Rights

Cultural Diversity:

1.1 Everyone has the right to enjoy and protect their culture, participating in cultural life;

1.2 Members should respect and protect the cultural diversity of communities and nationalities, promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning;

1.3 Human society should promote human standards and legal frameworks for cultural diversity, ensuring their universal applicability.

Education and Technology:

2.1 Everyone has the right to education and technology opportunities, enhancing their qualities and capabilities;

2.2 Members should ensure the educational rights of every individual, providing fair and quality education resources;

2.3 Human society should promote human cooperation and exchange in education and technology, advancing the dissemination and innovation of knowledge.

Article 18: Environmental Rights

Environmental Protection:

1.1 Everyone has the right to a healthy and sustainable environment, free from pollution and destruction;

1.2 Members should formulate and implement environmental protection policies, preventing environmental pollution and resource waste;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving environmental protection levels, achieving sustainable development.

Natural Resource Management:

2.1 Natural resources should be used reasonably and sustainably to ensure the well-being of future generations;

2.2 Members should strengthen the management and protection of natural resources, preventing over-exploitation and waste;

2.3 Human society should promote human cooperation and coordination in natural resource management, ensuring their fair and sustainable use.

Article 19: Information Rights

Freedom of Information:

1.1 Everyone has the right to freely access, transmit, and use information without undue restriction and interference;

1.2 Members should ensure information freedom, promoting information openness and transparency;

1.3 Human society should promote global standards and legal frameworks for information freedom, ensuring their universal applicability.

Privacy Protection:

2.1 Everyone has the right to privacy, free from illegal infringement and abuse;

2.2 Members should formulate and implement privacy protection policies, preventing information leakage and abuse;

2.3 Human society should promote global standards and legal frameworks for privacy protection, ensuring their universal applicability.

Chapter VI: Sustainable Development

Article 20: Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection Obligations:

1.1 Members should commit to environmental protection, preventing pollution and overuse of natural resources;

1.2 Members should formulate and implement environmental protection policies, ensuring sustainable use of the environment;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving environmental protection levels.

Addressing Climate Change:

2.1 Members should cooperate to address climate change, taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;

2.2 Members should formulate and implement climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, enhancing their ability to address climate change;

2.3 Human society should promote global cooperation and coordination in addressing climate change, ensuring humanity collectively confronts climate change.

Article 21: Economic and Social Development

Fair Development:

1.1 Members should strive for equitable and inclusive economic and social development, reducing global wealth disparities;

1.2 Members should formulate and implement policies to promote economic growth, employment, and social security;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in achieving fair and inclusive development.

Technological Cooperation:

2.1 Members should promote technological progress and innovation, enhancing global well-being and quality of life;

2.2 Members should strengthen technological cooperation and exchange, sharing knowledge and technology to promote common development;

2.3 Human society should promote global mechanisms and frameworks for technological cooperation, advancing the dissemination and application of technological achievements.

Article 22: Resource Management

Utilization of Natural Resources:

1.1 Natural resources should be used reasonably and sustainably to ensure the well-being of future generations;

1.2 Members should strengthen the management and protection of natural resources, preventing over-exploitation and waste;

1.3 Human society should promote global cooperation and coordination in natural resource management, ensuring their fair and sustainable use.

Energy and Water Resources:

2.1 Members should promote the development and use of clean and renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels;

2.2 Members should strengthen the management and protection of water resources, ensuring their sustainable use;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving energy and water resource management levels, achieving sustainable development.

Article 23: Sustainable Cities

Urban Planning and Management:

1.1 Members should formulate and implement sustainable urban planning and management policies, enhancing urban livability and resilience;

1.2 Members should promote the development of green buildings and infrastructure, reducing urban environmental impacts;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving urban planning and management levels, achieving sustainable urban development.

Transportation and Infrastructure:

2.1 Members should promote the construction of sustainable transportation and infrastructure, reducing traffic congestion and environmental pollution;

2.2 Members should strengthen the promotion and development of public transportation and non-motorized transportation, enhancing transportation sustainability;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving the sustainability of transportation and infrastructure, achieving green transportation and infrastructure development.

Article 24: Sustainable Agriculture

Agricultural Development and Food Security:

1.1 Members should promote sustainable agricultural development, ensuring food security and the well-being of farmers;

1.2 Members should strengthen agricultural science and innovation, enhancing agricultural production efficiency and sustainability;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving agricultural development levels, achieving sustainable agriculture and food security.

Rural Development and Farmers’ Rights:

2.1 Members should promote rural development and the protection of farmers’ rights;

2.2 Members should strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure and public services, enhancing rural livability and development levels;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving rural development levels, achieving coordinated urban-rural development.

Article 25: Sustainable Industry

Industrial Development and Environmental Protection:

1.1 Members should promote sustainable industrial development, reducing industrial impacts on the environment;

1.2 Members should strengthen industrial science and innovation, enhancing industrial production efficiency and sustainability;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving industrial development levels, achieving sustainable industry and environmental protection.

Industrial Transformation and Upgrading:

2.1 Members should promote industrial transformation and upgrading, transitioning to a green and low-carbon economy;

2.2 Members should strengthen industrial restructuring, promoting the development of emerging industries and upgrading traditional industries;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in enhancing industrial transformation and upgrading levels, achieving green and low-carbon economic development.

Article 26: Public Health


1.1 Members should ensure that everyone enjoys basic healthcare services regardless of race, gender, age, or socioeconomic status;

1.2 Members should strengthen the construction of public health infrastructure and services, enhancing healthcare levels;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving public health levels, achieving equitable and accessible healthcare for all humanity.

Disease Prevention and Control:

2.1 Members should strengthen disease prevention and control, reducing the incidence of infectious and chronic diseases;

2.2 Members should promote the research and dissemination of vaccines and medicines, enhancing disease prevention and treatment capabilities;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving disease prevention and control levels, achieving human health and safety.

Article 27: Emergency Management

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation:

1.1 Members should strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation, reducing losses from natural and man-made disasters;

1.2 Members should formulate and implement emergency plans, enhancing emergency management and response capabilities;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving disaster prevention and mitigation levels, achieving human disaster risk reduction and control.

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief:

2.1 Members should provide timely and effective humanitarian assistance and disaster relief after disasters, ensuring the basic needs of affected populations;

2.2 Members should strengthen human cooperation, enhancing global rescue and emergency response capabilities;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving humanitarian assistance and disaster relief levels, achieving efficient and orderly human disaster rescue.

Chapter VII: Human Cooperation

Article 28: Cooperation Mechanisms

Human Cooperation Mechanisms:

1.1 Members should establish and strengthen human cooperation mechanisms to jointly address global issues;

1.2 Members should promote human cooperation and coordination through multilateral frameworks and platforms;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in establishing and improving human cooperation mechanisms, achieving efficient and orderly human cooperation.

Community Cooperation Mechanisms:

2.1 Members should establish and strengthen community cooperation mechanisms to promote cooperation and coordination within communities;

2.2 Members should promote community cooperation and development through community frameworks and platforms;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in establishing and improving community cooperation mechanisms, achieving efficient and orderly community cooperation.

Article 29: Cultural Exchange and Cooperation

Cultural Exchange:

1.1 Members should promote cultural exchange and cooperation, enhancing understanding and mutual learning among different cultures;

1.2 Members should respect and protect the cultural diversity of communities and nationalities, promoting cultural prosperity and development;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in promoting cultural exchange, achieving global cultural diversity and inclusiveness.

Educational Cooperation:

2.1 Members should strengthen educational cooperation and exchange, enhancing human education levels;

2.2 Members should promote the sharing and complementarity of educational resources, enhancing educational equity and quality;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in improving educational cooperation levels, achieving equitable and accessible human education.

Article 30: Public Health Cooperation

Health Cooperation:

1.1 Members should strengthen human health cooperation to jointly address global health challenges;

1.2 Members should promote the sharing and exchange of health information, enhancing global health security and response capabilities;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in strengthening health cooperation, achieving equitable and accessible global health.

Responding to Global Health Threats:

2.1 Members should strengthen cooperation to jointly address global health threats such as infectious and chronic diseases;

2.2 Members should promote the research and dissemination of vaccines and medicines, enhancing global disease prevention and treatment capabilities;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in responding to global health threats, achieving global health and safety.

Article 31: Economic Cooperation and Development

Economic Cooperation:

1.1 Members should strengthen human economic cooperation to promote global economic stability and growth;

1.2 Members should promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment through multilateral frameworks and platforms;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in strengthening economic cooperation, achieving sustainable global economic development.

Development Cooperation:

2.1 Members should promote development cooperation to reduce global poverty and inequality;

2.2 Members should support the economic and social development of communities through technology transfer and resource sharing;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in promoting development cooperation, achieving fair and sustainable global development.

Article 32: Technological Cooperation and Innovation

Technological Cooperation:

1.1 Members should strengthen technological cooperation to promote global technological progress and innovation;

1.2 Members should promote the sharing and complementarity of technological information and resources through multilateral frameworks and platforms;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in strengthening technological cooperation, achieving the dissemination and application of global technology.

Innovation Cooperation:

2.1 Members should promote innovation cooperation, enhancing global innovation capabilities and competitiveness;

2.2 Members should promote the sharing and transfer of innovation resources and technologies through innovation platforms and mechanisms;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in promoting innovation cooperation, achieving sustainable global innovation development.

Article 33: Environmental Cooperation and Governance

Environmental Cooperation:

1.1 Members should strengthen environmental cooperation to jointly address global environmental challenges;

1.2 Members should promote the sharing and complementarity of environmental information and technologies through multilateral frameworks and platforms;

1.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in strengthening environmental cooperation, achieving global environmental protection and sustainable utilization.

Global Environmental Governance:

2.1 Members should promote global environmental governance, establishing and improving global environmental management systems;

2.2 Members should promote the coordination and unification of global environmental governance through environmental conventions and agreements;

2.3 Human society should provide technical and financial assistance to support members in promoting global environmental governance, achieving sustainable global environmental development.


We are firmly committed to working together based on the United Human Charter to build a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world. Through global human cooperation and solidarity, we will achieve the common goals of humanity, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of future generations. We call on all communities, organizations, and individuals to actively participate in and support the implementation of the United Human Charter, striving for the noble ideals of human peace and development, and advancing into a higher level of intelligent human civilization society.

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