مرحباً بكم في البشر المتحدون

Dedicated to human security, freedom, and an intelligent civilized society.

The Human Declaration


Throughout the long course of human history, we have experienced countless changes. From the hunters of the Stone Age to the farmers of the Agricultural Revolution, the workers of the Industrial Revolution, and now, in the age of artificial intelligence, we have constantly explored and progressed. However, with rapid technological development, we face unprecedented challenges. Environmental degradation, social inequality, economic turmoil, political conflicts, and spiritual disorientation all call for a new era—a truly human-centered intelligent civilization era.

Chapter I: Human Dignity

Every human being is born equal, with inalienable dignity and rights. Regardless of race, gender, religion, culture, or social status, everyone should be respected and treated fairly. We must transcend narrow prejudices and discrimination, jointly creating a globalized intelligent civilization society that respects diversity and embraces differences.

1.1 Respect for Diversity

Respect for diversity is not only a recognition of human dignity but also a driving force for social progress. Cultural, linguistic, religious, gender, and ideological diversity enrich human society and drive innovation and progress.

1.1.1 Protection of Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity is a precious asset of human society, and we should respect and protect the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups. Culture is not only a symbol of a nation but also its identity and spiritual pillar. Humans should unite to protect endangered languages and traditional arts, supporting cultural inheritance and innovation.

1.1.2 Protection of Linguistic Diversity

Language is an important carrier of culture. With the intensification of globalization, many minority languages face the danger of disappearing. We should protect and promote minority languages through education and cultural policies, supporting multilingual education to ensure the continuation and development of linguistic diversity.

1.1.3 Respect for Religious Beliefs

Religious belief is an important part of personal choice and spiritual life. We should respect everyone’s freedom of religious belief, opposing any form of religious discrimination and persecution. Humans should promote legal and policy measures to protect religious freedom and encourage harmonious coexistence and mutual understanding among different religions.

1.2 Opposition to Discrimination

Discrimination is a serious violation of human dignity. Whether it is racial discrimination, gender discrimination, religious discrimination, or any other form of discrimination, it is unacceptable. We should oppose and eliminate all forms of discrimination through laws, education, and social movements, ensuring that everyone can equally enjoy rights and opportunities.

1.2.1 Racial Equality

Racial equality is a fundamental principle of human social development. We should eliminate racial discrimination through legislation and policies, promoting racial equality. Human communities should strengthen anti-racial discrimination propaganda, raise public awareness of racial equality, and promote racial harmony.

1.2.2 Gender Equality

Gender equality is an important indicator of social progress. We should eliminate gender discrimination through legislation and policies, ensuring gender equality. Measures should be taken to eliminate gender violence and bias, promoting the participation and development of women in political, economic, and social fields.

1.2.3 Religious Equality

Religious belief is an important part of personal choice and spiritual life. We should respect everyone’s freedom of religious belief, opposing any form of religious discrimination and persecution. We should promote legal and policy measures to protect religious freedom and encourage harmonious coexistence and mutual understanding among different religions.

1.3 A Fair Legal System

A fair legal system is an important guarantee for maintaining human dignity. The law should protect everyone’s basic rights, provide fair adjudication mechanisms, and prevent abuse of power and corruption. We should strive to build a rule of law society, ensuring equality before the law and judicial fairness and transparency.

1.3.1 Equality Before the Law

Equality before the law is a basic principle of the rule of law society. We should ensure that laws are made and enforced without any form of discrimination or bias, guaranteeing that everyone can equally enjoy legal protection and remedies.

1.3.2 Judicial Justice

Judicial justice is the core of the rule of law society. We should establish and improve an independent, fair, and efficient judicial system, ensuring that judicial organs exercise their powers independently according to the law, free from any form of interference and influence. Judicial reforms should be strengthened to enhance judicial efficiency and credibility, safeguarding human rights.

1.3.3 Anti-Corruption

Corruption is a cancer in a rule of law society. We should take effective measures to combat and prevent corruption, establishing a transparent and open governance and judicial system. International cooperation should be strengthened to combat cross-regional corruption, jointly maintaining the rule of law and justice.

Chapter II: Environmental Sustainability

Earth is our only home, and we have a responsibility to protect it. We must shift to sustainable development models, reduce overconsumption of natural resources, lower pollution, and protect biodiversity. Through technological innovation and institutional reforms, we can promote the development of a green economy and achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

2.1 Protecting Ecosystems

Ecosystems are the foundation of all life on Earth. We must take measures to protect forests, wetlands, oceans, and other natural habitats, preventing the loss of biodiversity. Environmental policies and measures should be strictly enforced, encouraging global participation in ecological protection actions.

2.1.1 Forest Protection

Forests are the lungs of the Earth, serving multiple functions like regulating the climate, protecting water sources, and maintaining biodiversity. Measures should be taken to prevent deforestation, promote sustainable forest management, and restore degraded forest ecosystems.

2.1.2 Wetland Protection

Wetlands are important ecosystems with functions such as regulating the water cycle, filtering pollutants, and providing habitats. Measures should be taken to protect and restore wetland ecosystems, preventing the reduction and degradation of wetlands.

2.1.3 Ocean Protection

Oceans are the Earth’s largest ecosystems, regulating the climate, providing food, and maintaining biodiversity. Measures should be taken to prevent marine pollution and overfishing, protecting the health and sustainability of marine ecosystems.

2.2 Sustainable Resource Management

Natural resources are finite, and we must achieve sustainable resource management. Through conservation, recycling, and alternative technologies, we can reduce dependency on natural resources, avoiding resource depletion and environmental damage. International cooperation should be strengthened to formulate and implement global resource management plans.

2.2.1 Water Resource Management

Water is the source of life but also a finite resource. Measures should be taken to prevent water pollution and waste, promoting sustainable water resource management to ensure the rational use and protection of water resources.

2.2.2 Energy Management

Energy is the basis for economic development but also a major source of environmental pollution. Energy structure transformation should be promoted, developing clean and renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and reducing dependency on fossil fuels and pollutant emissions.

2.2.3 Mineral Resource Management

Mineral resources are essential raw materials for industrial and technological development but are also non-renewable. Sustainable development and utilization models for mineral resources should be promoted, reducing resource waste and environmental damage, and advancing resource recycling and alternative technologies.

2.3 Addressing Climate Change

Climate change is one of the major challenges facing humanity. Active measures must be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the development of a low-carbon economy. International cooperation should be strengthened to collectively address the threats posed by climate change.

2.3.1 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of climate change. Measures should be taken to reduce the use of fossil fuels, promote energy structure transformation, develop clean and renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2.3.2 Developing a Low-Carbon Economy

A low-carbon economy is a crucial pathway to addressing climate change. Efforts should be made to develop and apply low-carbon technologies, promote the growth of green industries, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions, achieving sustainable economic development.

2.3.3 Regional Cooperation

Climate change is a global issue requiring joint efforts from the international community. Cooperation in the field of climate change should be strengthened, fulfilling international climate agreements, and advancing the global governance process for climate change to collectively address the challenges it brings.

Chapter III: Social Equity

Human social progress should be built on the foundation of equity and justice. Efforts must be made to eradicate poverty, narrow the wealth gap, and ensure that everyone has access to basic living guarantees and development opportunities. Basic public services such as education, healthcare, and housing should benefit everyone, ensuring equal rights and dignity for all.

3.1 Eradicating Poverty

Poverty is the greatest enemy of human dignity. Effective measures must be taken to eradicate absolute poverty and improve the living conditions of the poor. International cooperation should be strengthened to provide aid and support, advancing global poverty reduction efforts.

3.1.1 Providing Basic Living Guarantees

Basic living guarantees are prerequisites for eradicating poverty. Social welfare policies should ensure that everyone has access to basic food, clothing, housing, and medical services, safeguarding the basic living conditions of the poor.

3.1.2 Enhancing Education Levels

Education is a crucial pathway to eradicating poverty. Investments in education should be increased, leveraging artificial intelligence technology to universalize compulsory education, providing equal educational opportunities, and enhancing the education levels and employment capabilities of the poor, creating more development opportunities for them.

3.2 Ensuring Basic Public Services

Education, healthcare, and housing are fundamental human rights and should benefit everyone. International cooperation should be strengthened to provide technical and financial support, jointly promoting the universalization of basic public services.

3.2.1 Universalizing Education

Education is the cornerstone of social progress. Investments in education should be increased to universalize compulsory education, providing equal educational opportunities, improving education quality, and ensuring that everyone has access to quality education, laying the foundation for social development and progress.

3.2.2 Improving Healthcare

Healthcare is the guarantee of human health. Investments in healthcare should be increased to improve medical services, ensuring that everyone has access to basic medical care. Public health system construction should be strengthened, enhancing disease prevention and control capabilities, safeguarding public health.

3.2.3 Ensuring Housing

Housing is a basic human need. Housing policies should provide affordable and low-cost housing, addressing housing issues for low-income groups, improving housing security levels, and ensuring that everyone has a safe and comfortable place to live.

Chapter IV: Economic Cooperation for Mutual Benefit

A globalized economy should be mutually beneficial and cooperative. Efforts should be made to establish a fairer and more inclusive economic order. International cooperation should be strengthened to promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment while protecting workers’ rights, ensuring that the benefits of economic development reach all people.

4.1 Promoting Global Trade

Global trade is a major driver of economic development. Trade barriers should be eliminated, promoting trade liberalization and fostering global economic prosperity. Disputes should be resolved through negotiation and consultation, avoiding trade wars and protectionism.

4.1.1 Free Trade

Free trade is a key pathway to promoting global economic development. Cooperation should be enhanced to eliminate trade barriers, establish free trade zones, and promote the free flow of goods, services, and capital, achieving shared economic prosperity.

4.1.2 Fair Trade

Fair trade is an important principle for achieving global trade equity and sustainable development. Cooperation should be enhanced to establish fair trade rules, protecting the interests of developing regions and promoting balanced and sustainable global trade development.

4.1.3 Resolving Trade Disputes

Trade disputes are common issues in economic activities. Disputes should be resolved through negotiation and consultation, avoiding trade wars and protectionism, maintaining global trade stability and sustainable development.

4.2 Facilitating Investment

Investment is a key driver of economic growth. A favorable investment environment should be created to attract investment and promote economic development. International cooperation should be strengthened to unify and simplify investment rules, protecting investors’ legitimate rights and interests.

4.2.1 Investment Environment

The investment environment is a crucial factor in attracting investment. Policies and institutional reforms should be implemented to improve the investment environment, providing quality infrastructure and public services to attract investment and promote economic development.

4.2.2 Investment Rules

Investment rules are important guarantees for protecting investors’ rights. Cooperation should be enhanced to establish and implement unified investment rules, protecting investors’ legitimate rights, reducing investment risks, and promoting global investment growth.

4.2.3 Investment Facilitation

Investment facilitation is an important means of promoting investment. Measures such as simplifying investment procedures, reducing investment costs, and providing investment services should be implemented to facilitate investment, attracting more investment and promoting economic development.

4.3 Protecting Workers’ Rights

Workers are the main force of economic development, and their legitimate rights and interests must be protected. Labor laws should be formulated and implemented to ensure fair wages, working conditions, and social security for workers. Efforts should be made to enhance global labor standards, ensuring that every worker can enjoy decent work and living conditions.

4.3.1 Wage Protection

Wages are the basic source of income for workers. Labor laws and policies should be implemented to ensure fair wage levels, prevent wage arrears and deductions, and ensure that workers receive their due remuneration.

4.3.2 Working Conditions

Working conditions are basic rights of workers. Labor laws and policies should be implemented to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, preventing workplace deterioration and excessive labor intensity, and safeguarding workers’ physical health and safety.

4.3.3 Social Security

Social security is a basic right of workers. Social security systems should provide basic medical, pension, unemployment, and other protections, ensuring workers’ basic living conditions and reducing their living pressures.

Chapter V: Political Participation

Democracy and the rule of law are common values of human society. Everyone has the right and responsibility to participate in public affairs, overseeing and restraining the exercise of power. Efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of democratic systems, ensuring freedom of speech, press, and association, and ensuring that power operates transparently.

5.1 Protecting Human Rights

Human rights are the foundation of democratic systems. Freedom of speech, press, association, and electoral and voting rights should be protected, ensuring that people can freely express opinions and participate in public affairs. Laws and systems should be established to protect human rights and prevent the abuse of power.

5.1.1 Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is a basic human right. Laws and systems should be implemented to protect freedom of speech, preventing suppression and retaliation, ensuring that people can freely express opinions and participate in public affairs.

5.1.2 Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the press is an important safeguard for democratic society. Laws and systems should be implemented to protect freedom of the press, preventing media suppression and monopolies, ensuring that news media can report events independently and impartially, overseeing and restraining the exercise of power.

5.1.3 Freedom of Association

Freedom of association is a basic human right. Laws and systems should be implemented to protect freedom of association, preventing suppression and retaliation, ensuring that people can freely organize and participate in social groups, and participate in public affairs.

5.2 Strengthening the Rule of Law

The rule of law is a guarantee of democratic society. Efforts should be made to strengthen the rule of law, ensuring equality before the law, and judicial fairness and transparency. Judicial reforms should be undertaken to enhance judicial efficiency and credibility, safeguarding human rights.

5.2.1 Judicial Independence

Judicial independence is a basic principle of the rule of law society. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure that judicial organs exercise their powers independently according to the law, free from any form of interference and influence, ensuring judicial fairness and efficiency.

5.2.2 Judicial Justice

Judicial justice is the core of the rule of law society. Judicial reforms should be undertaken to enhance judicial efficiency and credibility, ensuring judicial fairness and transparency, and ensuring that everyone can obtain fair legal protection and remedies.

5.2.3 Anti-Corruption

Anti-corruption is an important task in a rule of law society. Laws and systems should be implemented to combat and prevent corruption, establishing a transparent and open governance and judicial system, safeguarding human rights, and maintaining social equity and justice.

5.3 Promoting Political Participation

Political participation is a manifestation of democratic systems. People should be encouraged to actively participate in public affairs through elections, parliaments, consultations, and supervision, participating in political decision-making. Education and publicity should be enhanced to improve people’s political literacy and awareness, enhancing their participation capabilities.

5.3.1 Human Education

Human education is an important way to improve political literacy. Education and publicity should be enhanced to popularize knowledge of democracy and the rule of law, improving people’s political literacy and participation capabilities, promoting active participation.

5.3.2 Electoral System

The electoral system is an important component of democratic systems. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure the rights to vote and be elected, ensuring fair, open, and transparent elections, promoting active participation.

5.3.3 Public Participation

Public participation is an important manifestation of democratic systems. Consultation, hearings, and surveys should be used to widely gather public opinions, promoting public participation in decision-making, enhancing transparency and credibility.

Chapter VI: Ethics of Science and Technology

Scientific and technological development should serve human well-being, not pose a threat. Ethical issues must be considered alongside technological innovation to prevent misuse and loss of control. Frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, bioengineering, and information technology should develop within ethical frameworks to ensure they benefit humanity rather than pose threats.

6.1 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has brought many ethical issues. It must be ensured that the development and application of artificial intelligence conform to ethical standards, avoiding infringements on human dignity and privacy. Ethical guidelines for artificial intelligence should be established to regulate its use, protecting human rights.

6.1.1 Privacy Protection

Privacy protection is an important issue in the application of artificial intelligence technology. Laws and systems should be implemented to protect human privacy rights, preventing artificial intelligence technology from infringing on personal privacy, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.1.2 Fairness of Artificial Intelligence

The development and application of artificial intelligence technology should conform to the principle of fairness, avoiding algorithmic discrimination and bias. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure the fairness of artificial intelligence technology, preventing misuse and loss of control.

6.1.3 Safety of Artificial Intelligence

The safety of artificial intelligence technology is an important prerequisite for its development. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure the safety of artificial intelligence technology, preventing misuse and loss of control, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.2 Safety of Bioengineering

Bioengineering technology has brought significant progress in fields such as medicine and agriculture but also poses potential safety risks. The regulation of bioengineering technology should be strengthened to ensure its safety and controllability. International cooperation should be enhanced to establish biosecurity standards, preventing misuse and accidental incidents.

6.2.1 Safety of Gene Editing

The development of gene editing technology has brought many ethical and safety issues. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure the safety of gene editing technology, preventing misuse and loss of control, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.2.2 Biosecurity

Biosecurity is an important prerequisite for the development of bioengineering technology. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure the safety of bioengineering technology, preventing misuse and loss of control, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.2.3 Human Cooperation

The development of bioengineering technology requires joint efforts from the international community. Cooperation in the field of bioengineering should be enhanced to jointly establish and implement biosecurity standards, preventing misuse and accidental incidents, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.3 Privacy Protection in Information Technology

The development of information technology has changed our lifestyle but also brought privacy protection issues. Personal information and privacy rights must be protected, preventing information leakage and misuse. Strict information protection laws should be formulated and implemented, ensuring that human privacy rights are not violated.

6.3.1 Information Protection

Information protection is an important issue in the application of information technology. Laws and systems should be implemented to protect personal information and privacy rights, preventing information leakage and misuse, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.3.2 Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an important issue in the application of information technology. Laws and systems should be implemented to ensure the security of networks, preventing cyber-attacks and information leakage, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

6.3.3 Human Cooperation

The development of information technology requires joint efforts from the international community. Cooperation in the field of information technology should be enhanced to jointly establish and implement information protection and cybersecurity standards, preventing information leakage and misuse, ensuring that technological development and application conform to ethical standards.

Chapter VII: Cultural Prosperity

Culture is the spiritual home of humanity and our shared wealth. The cultural heritage of all ethnic groups should be respected and protected, encouraging cultural diversity and innovation. Cultural exchange and integration should become important forces in promoting world peace and understanding.

7.1 Protecting Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage is the crystallization of human history and wisdom. The cultural heritage of all ethnic groups must be protected and inherited, preventing its disappearance and damage. Cultural heritage protection should be strengthened through laws, education, and technological means, promoting traditional culture.

7.1.1 Cultural Heritage Protection

Cultural heritage is the crystallization of human history and wisdom. Laws and systems should be implemented to protect and inherit the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups, preventing its disappearance and damage, ensuring sustainable development of cultural heritage.

7.1.2 Education and Publicity

Education and publicity are important means of protecting cultural heritage. Education and publicity should be enhanced to raise public awareness of cultural heritage protection, promoting the inheritance and development of cultural heritage, ensuring sustainable development.

7.1.3 Human Cooperation

The protection of cultural heritage requires joint efforts from the international community. Cooperation in the field of cultural heritage protection should be enhanced to jointly establish and implement cultural heritage protection standards, preventing disappearance and damage, ensuring sustainable development.

7.2 Encouraging Cultural Innovation

Cultural prosperity cannot be achieved without innovation. Cultural diversity and innovation should be encouraged, supporting the free creation of artists and cultural creators, promoting the development of cultural industries. Cultural policies should be formulated to provide financial and technical support, promoting cultural prosperity and development.

7.2.1 Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity is an important foundation for cultural prosperity. Laws and systems should be implemented to encourage cultural diversity and innovation, supporting the free creation of artists and cultural creators, promoting cultural prosperity and development.

7.2.2 Development of Cultural Industries

Cultural industries are important supports for cultural prosperity. Policies and systems should be implemented to support the development of cultural industries, providing financial and technical support, promoting the prosperity and development of cultural industries.

7.2.3 Cultural Exchange

Cultural exchange is an important pathway to cultural prosperity. Cultural exchange projects should be promoted to facilitate mutual learning and borrowing between different cultures, enhancing cultural diversity and innovation capacity, promoting cultural prosperity and development.

7.3 Promoting Cultural Exchange

Cultural exchange is an important way to enhance understanding and friendship. Efforts should be made to strengthen cultural exchange between different communities, promoting mutual learning and borrowing. Human cultural exchange projects should be supported and promoted to foster harmonious coexistence among all ethnic groups.

7.3.1 Cultural Exchange Projects

Cultural exchange projects are important pathways for mutual learning and borrowing between different cultures. Cultural exchange projects should be promoted to facilitate cultural exchange between different regions, enhancing cultural diversity and innovation capacity, promoting cultural prosperity and development.

7.3.2 Human Cultural Cooperation

Human cultural cooperation is an important pathway to promoting cultural prosperity. Cooperation in the field of culture should be enhanced to jointly establish and implement cultural exchange projects, enhancing cultural diversity and innovation capacity, promoting cultural prosperity and development.

7.3.3 Cultural Communication

Cultural communication is an important pathway to cultural prosperity. Cultural communication projects should be promoted to facilitate cultural exchange between different communities, enhancing cultural diversity and innovation capacity, promoting cultural prosperity and development.

Chapter VIII: United Humanity

In the era of globalization, human cooperation is more important than ever. Cooperation between communities must be strengthened to jointly address global challenges, achieving common development and prosperity.

8.1 Strengthening Human Community Cooperation

Human community cooperation is an important pathway to solving global problems. Cooperation within United Human should be strengthened to jointly formulate and implement human rules, addressing global issues such as climate change, poverty, and disease. Multilateral cooperation should be promoted to foster a just and reasonable human order.

8.1.1 Role of United Human

United Human is the most important platform for promoting human cooperation. Cooperation within United Human should be strengthened to jointly formulate and implement human rules, addressing global issues and fostering a just and reasonable human order.

8.1.2 Mechanisms for Human Community Cooperation

Human cooperation mechanisms are important means of promoting community cooperation. Multilateral cooperation mechanisms should be used to promote the formulation and implementation of human rules, solving regional and global issues, fostering a just and reasonable human order.

8.1.3 Formulation and Implementation of Human Rules

Human rules are important guarantees for promoting human cooperation. Cooperation mechanisms should be used to jointly formulate and implement human rules, solving global issues and fostering a just and reasonable human order.

8.2 Promoting Regional Cooperation

Regional cooperation is an effective way to achieve common development. Efforts should be made to strengthen cooperation in the economic, political, and cultural fields, promoting regional integration. Regional cooperation should be used to enhance overall regional competitiveness, achieving common prosperity.

8.2.1 Regional Economic Cooperation

Regional economic cooperation is an important pathway to achieving common prosperity. Regional economic cooperation mechanisms should be used to promote regional economic integration, enhancing overall regional competitiveness, achieving common prosperity.

8.2.2 Regional Political Cooperation

Regional political cooperation is an important pathway to achieving common development. Regional political cooperation mechanisms should be used to promote regional political integration, enhancing overall regional competitiveness, achieving common prosperity.

8.2.3 Regional Cultural Cooperation

Regional cultural cooperation is an important pathway to achieving common prosperity. Regional cultural cooperation mechanisms should be used to promote regional cultural integration, enhancing overall regional competitiveness, achieving common prosperity.


Today, we stand at a new historical starting point, facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Let us join hands, put people first, and work together to create a new world that respects human dignity, pursues sustainable development, and is fair, just, peaceful, and prosperous. This is our generation’s responsibility and our commitment to future generations. The future of humanity is in our own hands. Through collective efforts, we will surely usher in a better tomorrow, stepping into an intelligent civilization society.

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